
Oktoberfest is at
OLPH Catholic Church
13 Bower Drive, Sherwood Park

October 19th 5 to 12pm (Midnight)

$20.00 per Adult (incl. pretzel)

$10.00 kids 12 & under (incl pretzel)

Kids Face Painting & Activities
Gingerbread decorating
German Dancing
Cotton Candy

Doors Open 5:00pm

Meal open 6:00pm
Grilled Bratwurst on bun - $5
Additional Pretzel - $2

Variety of Beer & Wine - $7
Premium Beer - $9

Live Music & Dancing - 6:30 to midnight

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Oktoberfest Stephen Parkes 2024-10-19 06:00:00Z 0

Sherwood Park Against Hunger 2025

You are invited to participate in a very rewarding event, packaging meals for well deserved people.  
Together with your help, our goal is to package 85,000 meals.
Meal packaging takes place on April 4 & 5, 2025
We are at OLPH Catholic Church in the basement located at 13 Brower Drive Sherwood Park. 
Thank You for your support again this year.
Sherwood Park Against Hunger 2025 2024-03-25 06:00:00Z 0

Sherwood Park against hunger 2023

You are invited to participate in a very rewarding event, packaging meals for well-deserved people.  Together with your help, our goal is to package 90,000 meals. Meal packaging takes place on May 27, 2023 at the OLPH Catholic Church in the basement located at 13 Brower Drive Sherwood Park.
Sherwood Park against hunger 2023 2023-04-08 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary helped amputees in Ukraine

Joyanne, has won the Rotary 5050 Ukraine draw $4,525 was the winning total, the balance of this raffle goes to support the modernizing of necessary rehabilitation therapy equipment for a hospital in Western Ukraine newly designated as an amputee rehabilitation Centre.
Rotary helped amputees in Ukraine Steven Lee 2023-02-21 07:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Tree Planting Events for Members

Sherwood Park June 25, 2022 - contact Paul H. for more details.
ROTARY DISTRICT July 9th, 2022 - and an evening with Rotary International President-Elect JENNIFER JONES
Upcoming Tree Planting Events for Members Erin Stephen 2022-06-15 06:00:00Z 0
Rotary Charity Golf Classic - Postponed Erin Stephen 2022-06-15 06:00:00Z 0
Oktober Fest 2021 steven lee 2021-08-19 06:00:00Z 0
First live Rotary meeting for 2021 Steven Lee 2021-08-02 06:00:00Z 0
Rotarian Allan Babb's Puck Drop Steven Lee 2020-02-10 07:00:00Z 0
Like our Facebook Page Steven Lee 2020-01-18 07:00:00Z 0

New Members Cindy and Luciano

Two new members of the club. Although not new to Rotary both Cindy Fodor and Luciano Competrini transferred from other clubs. President Bob Inducted them and all who were present gave them a cheery Sherwood Park welcome.
New Members Cindy and Luciano Steve Lee 2019-12-22 07:00:00Z 0 new members

Uganda's female student enrolment project

Posted by Steven Lee on Dec 09, 2019
The executive committee has given the direction to fund the Uganda girl's student enrolment another year.  This year we are including a different fund raising effort by using Google Ad's in combination with our SquareUp online service.  Our efforts to build out this platform will be with a budget of $500.
Brenda Thibault and Jeanine Parker have lead this project as part of the test for fund raising.
Uganda's female student enrolment project Steven Lee 2019-12-09 07:00:00Z 0

Another New Member!

Posted by Lyle Johnson on Mar 09, 2018
Welcome to our Latest Member Mike Gorski.
Mike's wife Tessa is a Rotarian in the Edmonton Glenora Club and she was on hand for her husbands induction and attached his Rotary pin on him… Don Lowry (Membership Chair) and President Lyle Johnson had the privilege of Inducting Mike into our Club. Lots of fun celebrating the continued growth as Mike is the 6th new member added to our club this Rotary year!
Another New Member! Lyle Johnson 2018-03-09 07:00:00Z 0

Sponsoring the Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County!

Posted by Lyle Johnson on Mar 07, 2018
A Cheque presentation  of $2,500 from our club to the Boys and Girls club of Strathcona county - Receiving the cheque from Rod Kuryio (Community Service Chair)  and club President Lyle Johnson is Tyler Roed, the Executive Director of Boys & Girls Club Strathcona County. This organization is an outstanding service in our community working with over 1300 children and youth!
Sponsoring the Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County! Lyle Johnson 2018-03-07 07:00:00Z 0

Meals That Mend - Rotary

Posted by Lyle Johnson on Feb 17, 2018
We had a great evening together with our RotarAction group this past month. It was a great service event where we packaged and froze 60 meals for the families that are staying at the Ronald McDonald House. The evening included a tour of the amazing facilities - 34 families staying there at a time. It was a great service event called “Meals that Mend”. We had 11 of us from our Rotary Club, our Rotaract Club and couple of friends of Rotary.
Meals That Mend - Rotary Lyle Johnson 2018-02-17 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Salvation Army Kettles

Posted by Dennis Pommen on Dec 19, 2017
Annually the Rotary Club of Sherwood Park provides the volunteers to attend the Salvation Army Kettles located at COSTCO. Chair Rod Kurello reports the last two weeks if ringing the bells schedule has been most rewarding as we head into this final week of fun. The Kettles are a vital source of revenue to operate Salvation Army services. We are grateful to the community for the generous support. Thank you for everyone's help.
Rotary Salvation Army Kettles Dennis Pommen 2017-12-19 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary 2017 Christmas Social

Posted by Dennis Pommen on Dec 19, 2017
The Rotary Club Of Sherwood Park members, family and guests shared a joyous evening at Festival Place the evening of Dec. 18th! President Lyle Johnson MC'd the dinner meeting presenting his "punny" wit and charm! 46 attended and enjoyed a scrumptious dinner prepared by Festival Place Catering - thank you for the excellent service. Tom Fletcher and Vince Lachance created an incentive for the club to increase our contribution to the Rotary Foundation. By selling some tickets and creating a draw, Doug Sedor win the contributory draw! Congrats.
Following dinner, 48 enjoyed a fabulous performance of Fiddler on the Roof, mother Festival Place success story. Thank you to Gavin Farmer, staff and volunteers for making this possible.
Thank you fellow Rotarians - Merry Christmas!
Rotary 2017 Christmas Social Dennis Pommen 2017-12-19 07:00:00Z 0

Paint Night at Fort Saskatchewan

Posted by Lyle Johnson on Nov 23, 2017
We had 22 participants so made over $300 for the Ronald MCDonald meal event in the New Year. We had great participation from the Stratchona Rotaract Club and The Fort Saskatchewan Rotary Club as well as our own members, spouses and guests. 
Paint Night at Fort Saskatchewan Lyle Johnson 2017-11-23 07:00:00Z 0

Food Bank and Christmas Bureau Assistance

Posted by Lyle Johnson on Oct 28, 2017
It was a great day of Community Spirit. Almost one-third of the Rotary Club members turned out to help the Food Bank and right after the Christmas Bureau. Thank you everyone.
Food Bank and Christmas Bureau Assistance Lyle Johnson 2017-10-28 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Donation Festival Place Program

Posted by Dennis Pommen on Oct 01, 2017
The Rotary Club of Sherwood Park agreed to participate in a three-year Festival |Place Community Development Program whereby local people may explore and develop their talents in community theatre. Gavin Farmer envisioned the concept to build upon and increase the base of talent within Strathcona County. Rotary is contributing $10,000 per year along with matching Festival Place Endowment Funds. Representing our Club, President Lyle Johnson and Charter President Dennis Pommen were invited to make this presentation October 1, 2017 preceding the Country Performance and Grammy Award winner of John Michael Montgomery. A fantastic event again. Thank you to Rotary Club of Sherwood Park members and community for making this possible!
Rotary Club Donation Festival Place Program Dennis Pommen 2017-10-01 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary at Festival Place Patio Series

Posted by Dennis Pommen on Aug 23, 2017
It was that time of year for our annual Club fellowship outing by attending the Festival Place Patio Series August 23, 2017. Once again, a strong turnout of 37 members, partners, family and friends for a rocking good time. Another good BBQ and excellent music by two bands. One included our own past Rotarian Ron Horton! Our Rotary Club is a proud sponsor of the "Community Theatre Education Project". Thank you to Festival Place for their hospitality and to our members.
Rotary at Festival Place Patio Series Dennis Pommen 2017-08-23 06:00:00Z 0
Thank-You!! We packaged 65,416 meals to Rise Against Hunger! 2017-06-30 06:00:00Z 0
25th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser 2017-04-12 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Day - Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging Event is Back!

We are excited to bring back this successful community meal packaging event and have partnered with area Rotary Clubs to double our meal packaging goal to 65,000!
Set aside some time the morning of June 24, 2017 to work with 230 community volunteers to support both international school feeding programs as well as ur local Strathcona foodbank.
More details and registration link coming soon!
Rotary Day - Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging Event is Back! 2017-04-12 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Boys & Girls Club

We were pleased to attend this event and provide funding to support the fantastic youth programs provided by the Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County.
Find out more about how this community organization's program align with Rotary's youth area of service here.
Rotary Supports Boys & Girls Club 2017-04-12 06:00:00Z 0

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Fellowship Events

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Rotarians can sign up to attend or host a dinner on one of the following dates.  Sign-up sheets are available at weekly meetings, or you can email Charlie.
1. Saturday January 28, 2017
2. Saturday February 25, 2017
3. Saturday March 25, 2017 
Depending on interest, there may be several hosts.  The host prepares the main course and attendees (four or six) bring either an appetizer, salad or dessert.  Attendees know whose home they are going to but the hosts don't know until they answer the door.  A great way to get to know your fellow Rotarians in a relaxed setting!
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Fellowship Events Erin Stephen 2017-01-19 00:00:00Z 0

End Polio Campaign with the Edmonton Oil Kings

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The Edmonton Oil Kings have again given Rotary a great fundraising opportunity to help in our
battle to put an end to Polio. By attending the Oil Kings game on January 22nd against the Moose Jaw Warriors at 4:00 pm, the Oil Kings will again donate a significant portion of the ticket price back to District 5370's end Polio campaign.

End Polio Campaign with the Edmonton Oil Kings 2016-11-09 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Celebrates Canada Day

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Rotarians Vince Lachance and Jack Skinner had the privilege of driving one of the three classic cars owned by  integrity award winner Ken Rice in the local Canada Day parade.  Thanks to Ken for his continued support of our club and community!
Rotary Celebrates Canada Day 2016-07-09 00:00:00Z 0

24th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser

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Our community continues to support the Rotary Club of Sherwood Park and the Robin Hood Association!  
144 golfers participated in the charity golf tournament held at the beautiful Belvedere Golf & Country Club on June 1, 2016.  With almost eighty sponsors, golfers enjoyed prizes, food and beverages.  Special thanks to our entertaining auctioneer, Garry Meyer.
Appreciation and recognition to the 2016 Golf Committee: Jason Dent, Brad Kotowich, Vince Lachance, Geoff Matheson, Dennis Miller and Jack Skinner.  A sincere thank you to all the volunteers.
24th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser 2016-07-09 00:00:00Z 0

Educating Youth in Mumbai, India

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One! International's goal is to teach literacy, numeracy and life skills to children living on the streets of Mumbai, India and surrounding areas by providing educational services and also associated social welfare services such as nutrition, health care, medicine, housing support and micro finance. 
One! International was founded by local resident, Tania Spilchen, who first went to Mumbai to work at an internet agency on an exchange program. During this time she met and bonded with children living in the streets whom she claims stole her heart.  Other local volunteers, like Paragi Shah, help support this important charity by telling the One! story and organizing fundraising events. 
Our club is a proud sponsor of One! International.  Our donation to the Step-Sponsorship program will help to cover the operational costs of a single step classroom.   For more information on how your company can support this program visit the One! International website.
Educating Youth in Mumbai, India 2016-04-29 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Day for Stop Hunger Now

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On Saturday May 14, 2016 our club hosted a meal packaging event in partnership with Stop Hunger Now, Rotary District 5370 and Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School in Sherwood Park.

We had 105 adult and youth volunteers with representation from Rotary, Sherwood Park United Church, ABJ High School, Titans Lacrosse, 169th Glen Allan Scouts, Sherwood Park Soccer, the Lorenz Team and Robin Hood.  Local MLA Annie McKitrick was also in attendance.


Thanks to all our volunteers in supporting the movement to end hunger by packaging 30,000+ meals to be sent to international communities in need and for donating 97 lbs. of food items to our local food bank!

 Stop Hunger Now's meal packaging events are a fun, hands-on way to make a difference and impact the lives of those suffering from hunger. 

Thank you to the Hampton Inn by Hilton Sherwood Park, Arctic Chiller, Elk Island Catholic Schools and the Emmanuel Foundation for their in-kind donations to the event.

Rotary Day for Stop Hunger Now Erin Stephen 2016-04-01 00:00:00Z 0

Community Support

Posted by Erin Stephen
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Rotary's continued partnership with CapitalCare Strathcona saw a successful Fun Money Casino fundraising event.  CapitalCare Strathcona has 111 long term care beds and operates the Community Day Support Program that offers much needed services to people in Sherwood Park. It also provides support services to Laurier House Strathcona.  Special thanks to Rotarian, Jason Dent of Jada Solutions, for chairing this event on our club's behalf. 
In addition to raising enough funds to purchase new chairs for CapitalCare residents, this event raised $2,000 for Rotary that will be donated back to the local community. 
Pictured (l-r): Sherry Schaefer, Director of Fundraising and Donor Relations, CapitalCare Foundation; Rotarian Jason Dent, Event Chair; Rotarian Erin Stephen, Club President
Community Support Erin Stephen 2016-02-27 00:00:00Z 0

Community Involvement

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On October 31st Rotarians worked with other community groups to set up shelves and unload items at the Strathcona Christmas Bureau facility.  The next weekend Rotarians and their families volunteered at the local food bank to sort and load items for delivery to the Christmas Bureau.
Once again, Rotarians participated in ringing the kettle bells at Costco for the Salvation Army Christmas Campaign the first two weekends of December.
Thank-you for supporting our local community during the Christmas season.
Pictured (l-r): Rotarians Alan Smyth, Erin Stephen, Charlie Teeuwsen
Community Involvement 2015-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

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An opportunity for Rotarians and their spouses to get know each other better over a meal.  If you are interested in hosting some "mystery guests" please let Charlie know.  Dates for 2016 are January 30th, February 27th and March 19th. 
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? 2015-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Celebrating 25 Years

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On November 14, 2015 the Rotary Club of Sherwood Park will officially celebrate 25 years of community service by holding an anniversary event at Festival Place.
"A number of people became involved with the effort to establish a club in Strathcona County.  Zen Moisy of the Rotary Club of West Edmonton, Harb Sandhar and District Governor Alan MacLean became champions for the mission.  Dennis Pommen, as a member of the Edmonton Club, became actively involved in April 1990, attending the Millwoods meetings and coordinating the initial “Strathcona County Rotary Club” meeting May 9, 1990 at Franklin’s Inn in Sherwood Park. The May 9, 1990 meeting started the creation of a “provisional Rotary club” and chartered as the Rotary Club of Sherwood Park on November 24, 1990."  submitted by Dennis Pommen, Charter President
Tickets are available at $65 per person or reserve your table of 8 for $520.
25th Anniversary Committee:
Charter President - Dennis Pommen
Charter Member - Wayne LeDrew
Past Presidents - Don Lowry, Jack Skinner, Dianne Palovcik, Linda Osinchuk 
President - Erin Stephen
Celebrating 25 Years 2015-04-01 00:00:00Z 0

Integrity Awards

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Join our club in celebrating our local nominee, Dr. Louis Kwantes, at the Integrity Awards Dinner on April 22, 2015.  Tickets can be purchased by contacting David Asp or Don Lowry.
Integrity Awards 2015-04-01 00:00:00Z 0
District Training 2015-01-22 00:00:00Z 0
Club Strategic Planning Session for ALL Members 2015-01-22 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Fellowship

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Thanks to Charlie for organizing our annual Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? fellowship events.  It was a great opportunity for members to get to know fellow Rotarians and their spouse/significant other in an informal, relaxed setting.
Rotary Fellowship 2015-01-07 00:00:00Z 0

Get Involved with Youth Exchange

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A warm Rotary welcome to our 2015/16 exchange student, Yuyi (Judy) Liao, from Taiwan.  We are still looking for a host family for Judy in term 3 (April - June) of her exchange.  Please contact Youth Service Chair, Kaylyn Johnson, if you are interested.
Rotarians enjoyed visiting with our 2013/14 inbound exchange student from Denmark, Henriette, when she returned to Canada with her family in July.  We also said good-bye to Anna-Lena Hoyler as she returned to Austria in July.
Our 2014/15 rebound exchange student, Molly, has returned from Denmark and provided us with a presentation.  You can learn more about Molly's international experience on her blog.
Get Involved with Youth Exchange 2014-12-14 00:00:00Z 0

2015 Conferences

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Register here for the Rotary District 5370 Conference in Dawson Creek, BC.  Conferences dates are October 1-4, 2015.  You can also "like" the Rotary D5370 2015 Conference on Facebook to get the latest updates by clicking on the image below.
Find us on Facebook
2015 Conferences 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z 0

2015/16 Executive Members Still Needed

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We are still looking for two directors of the board for next year - Vocational Services Director and Fundraising Director.
Please contact President-Elect Erin Stephen, or members of the nominating committee, Vic Bidzinski and John Vrolijk, to express your interest or learn more.
2015/16 Executive Members Still Needed 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z 0
Annual Charter Night and Christmas Soiree: Thursday December 4th Erin Stephen 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0

Sherwood Park Music Festival Fall Showcase

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The inaugural fundraising event was held on the evening of October 23rd, 2014. 

An evening showcase of 12 music genres featured Master of Ceremonies, Tony King of CKUA Radio Network.

Sherwood Park Music Festival Fall Showcase Erin Stephen 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0

District 5370's e-club is an alternative to regular meetings

Can’t attend club meetings in person.  Consider joining the first Canadian e-club.

Since the club became a provisional e-club of District 5370 in the summer of 2011, the weekly e-meetings have developed in what many call, “the most interesting and unique e-club I have ever attended”.

The e-club, which has a Canadian flavour, features speakers on many interesting topics, including Rotary programs, such as the Rotary Foundation, PolioPlus, Youth Exchange as well as topics of interest, such as the environment, culture and world affairs. Humor and inspirational moments are also incorporated into the meetings.

The weekly Rotary Minute keeps Rotarians and those new to Rotary informed and educated. Each week, attendees are welcomed by a guest or member greeter. In addition to the current weekly e-meeting, guests can choose from a large variety of archived programs which are located on the club’s website.

Monthly, on-line Fellowship time is hosted by one of the club members, prior to the board meeting.

For current or former Rotarians who are not able to attend scheduled Rotary Club meetings, such as people with disabilities, young parents or those who travel for business, the e-club concept offers a solution; Keeping them involved in Rotary and offering Service Above Self, in their communities and internationally, through the e-club.

Anyone who wishes to participate as a charter member, must have attended two e-club meetings and paid a modest admission fee (Cdn$50) to be eligible to apply for membership.

To attend an e-meeting, apply for membership, or learn more about this unique opportunity, visit:
District 5370's e-club is an alternative to regular meetings Ian McCormack 2013-01-02 00:00:00Z 0