Latest News

Save the Date! June 9, 2025 at The Quarry 
Rotary Club of Sherwood Park Charity Golf Classic

More Information coming! Registration Opening up soon! Sponsorship Package coming out soon too!

You are invited to participate in a very rewarding event, packaging meals for well deserved people.  
Together with your help, our goal is to package 85,000 meals.
Meal packaging takes place on May 24th, 2025
We are at OLPH Catholic Church in the basement located at 13 Brower Drive Sherwood Park. 
Thank You for your support again this year.
Meeting Information
Guests Welcome!
Join us for our weekly Friday meetings at 7:15 AM to 8:30 AM
at Headquarters Restaurant 100 Granada Blvd Sherwood Park, AB 
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 57043
Sherwood Park, Alberta
T8A 5L7
Rotary Club of Sherwood Park: Guiding Principles
Of the things we think, say or do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The Rotary Club of Sherwood Park is organized into five divisions to carry out the Five Avenues of Service which form the foundation of Rotary's work.  Our club, vocational, community, international, and youth service committees encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.  All members ensure that the focus of their work is Service Above Self.
Club Executives & Directors
Past president
President Elect
Director Communications
Director membership
Director Community service
Director Services - Club
Director international service
Co-Director youth service
Co-Director Services - Youth
Co-Director Rotary Foundation
Director Speakers
Co-Director Rotary Foundation
Director at Large
Director vocational service
Home Page News
Can’t attend club meetings in person.  Consider joining the first Canadian e-club.

Since the club became a provisional e-club of District 5370 in the summer of 2011, the weekly e-meetings have developed in what many call, “the most interesting and unique e-club I have ever attended”.

The e-club, which has a Canadian flavour, features speakers on many interesting topics, including Rotary programs, such as the Rotary Foundation, PolioPlus, Youth Exchange as well as topics of interest, such as the environment, culture and world affairs. Humor and inspirational moments are also incorporated into the meetings.

The weekly Rotary Minute keeps Rotarians and those new to Rotary informed and educated. Each week, attendees are welcomed by a guest or member greeter. In addition to the current weekly e-meeting, guests can choose from a large variety of archived programs which are located on the club’s website.

Monthly, on-line Fellowship time is hosted by one of the club members, prior to the board meeting.

For current or former Rotarians who are not able to attend scheduled Rotary Club meetings, such as people with disabilities, young parents or those who travel for business, the e-club concept offers a solution; Keeping them involved in Rotary and offering Service Above Self, in their communities and internationally, through the e-club.

Anyone who wishes to participate as a charter member, must have attended two e-club meetings and paid a modest admission fee (Cdn$50) to be eligible to apply for membership.

To attend an e-meeting, apply for membership, or learn more about this unique opportunity, visit: